Friday, February 02, 2007

Three Blind Mice

Senator Chichester is at it again joined by the other two of the Three Blind Mice: Chichester, Potts, and Quayle. Chichester is bent on bringing an reasonable transportation down and once again raising taxes. It is the talk of Virginia’s blogs: Bearing Drift, Virginia Virtucon, The Virginian Federalist, and as mentioned earlier Southwest By Southeast. For too long Chichester has been undermining Virginia’s conservative traditions. From tax increases to transportation is their nothing the Chichester will not screw up?


Anonymous said...

I have a question for you. If no one has announced to run against Chichester in a primary, how do you expect to make him go? You cower behind your computer and spew hate and call for the end of someones political career without any hope of seeing your goal fulfilled. At the least you should be out trying to recruit a candidate to primary him or, if no one can be convinced, run yourself. If you can't run yourself you are admitting that you are inherently less qualified to serve than the man whom you attack.

If you can't run yourself because you don't even live in the district then just shut the hell up. It's ridiculous for someone to start a movement to oust a local legislator from outside the locality itself! Attack his pricipals or positions all you want but, if you arent a resident of the 28th, its none of your business who the citizens of the 28th choose to represent them.

Man up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

A biased, poorly-written blog by a wingnut does not a primary campaign make. It is at the same time sickening and encouraging to me to see Republicans spend this much time focusing on how to beat each other rather than worrying about how to keep Democrats from taking over in this state. This probably explains the success that Democrats have been having statewide.

John Chichester is not a traitor, nor does he lack Republican credentials. The difference between Senator Chichester and the rest of the state caucus is that he has not drunk the "anti-tax" kool-aid, and he is not willing to sell the future of Virginia for a short-term political solution and the comfort of another day spent without angering Grover Norquist and his tight-assed, fiscally reckless following. He is the only counterbalance to a Republican majority that will send us into a fiscal nightmare if they have their way. Don't believe me? Give Jim Gilmore, or another guy who thinks like him another 4 years in the Governor's mansion and talk to me then.

Anonymous said...

And to think, that when he ran against Doug Wilder for Lt. Governor, Chichester call Wilder a liberal.