Thursday, March 15, 2007

Chichester’s Seat May Actually be Filled by a True Conservative

NLS examines the new state of the campaign for Chichester’s seat. He concludes that if a Republican wins the 28th district (see NLS’ next post), the candidate will have been a conservative (not like Chichester). The chair of the local party, Bob Hunt, failed to act quickly and decisively to have a primary. In the end the result is that the 28th District will be having a convention which will give the advantage to a Republican. NLS did a great job of analyzing this so I will not attempt to reinvent the wheel.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Is Chichester trying to steer Republicans away from John Van Hoy?

You would certainly think so by looking at this Free Lance-Star piece on the state of the race in the 28th District:

Sen. John Chichester's decision to retire leaves the state 28th Senate District seat open for the first time in 29 years.

. . .

John Van Hoy, a Stafford businessman and former chairman of the county's Republican Party unit, had planned to challenge Chichester in a primary, and now says he is still running and has filed the necessary paperwork to become a candidate.

Also considering a run for the Republican nomination are Del. Rob Wittman of Westmoreland County; Cord Sterling, who formerly worked for Sen. John Warner, is vice-chairman of the
Stafford Republicans and a member of the Commonwealth Transportation Board . . .

For the record, Delegate Wittman voted "Yes" on "Republican" tax hike, while Sterling was non-committal (Free Lance-Star); only Van Hoy opposed the tax hike.

Meanwhile, when Chichester was asked to comment on the race to replace him, he had this to say (emphasis added):
Chichester has his own thoughts about who he'd like to see replace him--and a campaign account of at least $300,000 that could help such a candidate. He said both Wittman and Sterling would be good, qualified candidates and that he wouldn't support one over the other.

Notice anyone missing from his list? Yup, there was no mention of John Van Hoy. Now, Chich can support whomever he wants, but Republicans in the 28th District have to ask themselves if anyone Chich holds in such regard should be allowed anywhere near the Senate Chamber. I say No, and thus I support John Van Hoy.

Cross-posted to the right-wing liberal

Monday, March 12, 2007

Chichester is Gone!!!

After a 29 year reign of terror Senator John Chichester has decided today to “retire” as apposed to getting voted out of office. After reading Chichester’s press release (you can find it most anywhere, but NLS had it up first), I am saddened to report that Chichester did not “wake up one morning to realize what he had done to Virginia and decide to do the only responsible thing” as I had hoped. He instead driveled on as any defeated politician does. Here are some of the lowlights:

Chairing the Finance Committee brings many things – not the least of which is a respect for the complexity of real life and the need to balance many worthwhile and competing interests, while maintaining the highest fiscal integrity. That balance can’t be achieved without a firm grounding in all aspects of the enterprise that we call state government.

The job of chairman brings a steep learning curve, and the learning never ends. It is a full-time job, and one that is all-consuming. In order to be successful, the Finance Committee chairman must be willing to live and breathe the state budget on a day-to-day basis. He must be willing to trade instant gratification for the state’s long-term prosperity. He must be willing to advance positions that are sometimes unpopular. He must leave behind parochial interests and think ecumenically, because the chairman’s district becomes the entire Commonwealth and her assets.

The rewards are many, but there is a price to pay. That price is exacted both physically and through the yoke of responsibility for Virginia’s financial health, economic prosperity and fiscal structure that accompanies the position, not just for two months that one is in Richmond, but for 365 days of the year.

I hope and pray that his words do not ring true. Virginia has suffered too much under his ideological tyranny.

But alas, Chichester must be commended for doing the right thing, even if not for the right reasons. Chichester was absolutely right when he said, “In 1978, when I first ran for this office, I said that the seat in the Senate belonged to the people and not to me.” Chichester has turned the seat back over to the people!

This is a great victory for Virginia and the Chichester Must Go movement. Chichester Must Go started as a small grassroots movement in the minds conservatives in Virginia. Chichester Must Go and its supporters merely provided the catalyst for what was already there.

I would like to personally thank D.J. McGuire for his contribution to this effort. Thank you also to the many blogs that supported this movement:

Finally, thank you to the many fine citizens of Commonwealth for their support. It is the pressure you put on Chichester that was the real cause for his “retirement.”

As for what will happen to Chichester Must Go, we will enjoy this victory and then look toward the future. All suggestions are welcome.

On the retirement speech

I must admit, I admired Chichester's class; he could have taken the Russ Potts' route and hurled bitter invective at his opponents, but he chose not to do so. Then again, I hear he has a "horse" in the primary to succeed him.

“I have decided that we will not seek re-election for another term.” – John Chichester

Words worth repeating: “I have decided that we will not seek re-election for another term.” Yes those are the official words of Senator John Chichester. NLS has the entire press release from Chichester.
My take on this in moments.

The Chichastrophe May be Over

Along with D.J.’s post Below , see V*CAP’s take from Friday Here. Rumor has it (and from a myriad of sources no less) that Chichester is packing his bags. One can only speculate as to why? Is he scared of a challenger in the Republican Primary, is he afraid of defeat by his own Democratic kind, did Chichester Must Go send him reeling, or is did he wake up one morning to realize what he had done to Virginia and decide to do the only responsible thing, resign. Honestly, I hope it is the latter.

I must remind everyone that this is merely a rumor, and we have seen more than are fair share here at Chichester Must Go. His announcement could come as early as today. If true, this would be the ultimate success for the cause.

To give you a little recap of what happened, here is how it has gone down so far:
VCAP had the first scoop on Friday followed quickly by Bacon’s Rebellion and Virginia Virtucon. Saturday the Virginia Blogosphere was alive with rhetoric regarding the Chichester rumor: Chichester Must Go, Black Velvet Bruce Li, The Right-Wing Liberal, and Mason Conservative. The Ward View and Elephant Ears took up the storm on Sunday. Today Renaissance Ruminations and your’s truly have pitched in their takes.

We will keep you up to date as this story unfolds. . . .

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ding Dong, the Chich is . . .

. . . well, "dead" would be inappropriate, cruel, and wrong.

The point is, he's going, going . . . he's gone!

I have it on very good authority that Chich will call it a career on Monday. This will remove a cloud no larger than a man's hand from the Commonwealth. All who stood up to oppose him (not the least of which the anonymous founder of this blog) deserve the thanks of all Virginians (well, except yours truly, I enjoy the rough and tumble of politics way too much for this to be considered anything but a labor of love).

There is, of course, the matter of replacing Chich; as that's not entirely germane here, let me simply provide a link to my thoughts on the matter here.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Challenger May be Emerging

Black Velvet Bruce Li notes HERE that a challenger may be emerging in the 28th District to defeat Chichester in the Republican Primary. Riley, Not O’Reilly of the Virginia Virtucon picks up the story calling for the 28th District to Draft John Van Hoy for State Senate. Both of these stories make compelling arguments for Van Hoy, but as Jamie Radtke of VCAP commented, “a decision needed to be made yesterday. If this is going to happen and have a chance, it needs to happen without further delay, debate or discussion.”
I whole heartedly agree. The question is will Van Hoy run? Residents of the 28th must make their voice heard loud and clear. Chichester Must Go, and someone must step up to the plate now.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The "fire out there" grows

Chalk up another blogger for the campaign against Chichester: Renaissance Ruminations.