Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Do NOT Support Stuart!!!

NOTE to Richard Stuart: This post will come down when you renounce the endorsement of John Chichester.

This blog does not have an official Republican Candidate that it is supporting as of yet, however, each contributor and supporter is free to support who they wish. However, this site does stand against the nomination of Former Commonwealth’s Attorney Richard Stuart. (See more on Stuart at NLS.) Disgraced State Senator Chichester has endorsed Mr. Stuart. I have waited weeks since the endorsement for Stuart to make some kind of assurance that he is not another Chichester. This has not happened. This convinces me that Stuart in nothing more than a Chichester puppet. This site will focus its efforts to making sure that neither a liberal Republican nor a Liberal Democrat wins in the 28th District.

We did not work so hard to remove Mr. Chichester to have his clone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stuart is a puppet for Chicheater and should be opposed at all costs just to embarrass him for being such a goof of a candiate.

The real plan is to get VanHoy elected because they know he can't beat Pollard since he's a lazy campaigner and Pollard is a go-getter. Now that Graziano has dropped out(rumored on other blogs), it's a three way race. VanHoy has long standing relationships with Chicheater only against each other on the surface.

He's going to take a dive for the back-room deal team (allegedly) in November.

I hope the 28th likes eating democrat sandwiches in winter '07.