Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Challenger May be Emerging

Black Velvet Bruce Li notes HERE that a challenger may be emerging in the 28th District to defeat Chichester in the Republican Primary. Riley, Not O’Reilly of the Virginia Virtucon picks up the story calling for the 28th District to Draft John Van Hoy for State Senate. Both of these stories make compelling arguments for Van Hoy, but as Jamie Radtke of VCAP commented, “a decision needed to be made yesterday. If this is going to happen and have a chance, it needs to happen without further delay, debate or discussion.”
I whole heartedly agree. The question is will Van Hoy run? Residents of the 28th must make their voice heard loud and clear. Chichester Must Go, and someone must step up to the plate now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I think Van Hoy could be a good candidate, but VCAP wouldn't know for sure until we learned more about his position. In order for any candidate to receive a VCAP endorsement, they have to fill out a VCAP candidate survey and be interviewed, so we can understand and be confident on where they stand on important issues (don't want to elect another bogus conservative).

As I said in my other comment on Virginia Virtucon, there is no more time to casually debate what should be done and flirt with the idea of running. Strong and decisive leadership is needed now and the clock is ticking down.

It would be extremely difficult to win a race with so little time left for the mere fact that it doesn't allow the candidate enough time to raise money, obtain name ID in the District and get his message out (which all requires money) in less than a 100 days.

However, I have no doubt that if a strong candidate steps forward, the rallying of financial and volunteer support will be swift and fierce. Conservatives and Republicans alike are eager to skin that cat. For that reason alone, I still think it can be done. However, we are already in March. I'd say a decision would absolutely need to be made in the next 7 days.